・e+ Customer Support (Inquiries)■Customers who purchased tickets through Ticket Pia Customers who selected Cloak pick-up and have not yet issued their tickets should complete the refund procedure from their Cloak My Page. *Customers who purchased tickets for the Port Messe Nagoya performance on April 4 (Sat) and 5 (Sun) 2020 at Seven-Eleven Due to system reasons, refund procedures cannot be completed at Seven-Eleven stores for this performance. Please follow the procedure for "Customers who have picked up their tickets by delivery" from the address below for refund method details. In addition, Ticket Pia will send an email to the affected customers. For other refund methods, please check the address below. [Customers who purchased tickets at the Sunday Ticket Center] Refund period for those who wish: Until Monday, (Mon) 10th Please return the tickets with the stubs intact by "Registered Mail" to the address below. Please be sure to write your address, name, phone number, and the type and number of tickets enclosed on an envelope or note, and enclose the tickets. 2-12-8 Higashisakura, Higashi-ku, Nagoya 461-8522 TI Building Sunday Folk Promotion "OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM Refund" Office We will refund you by "Registered Cash" as soon as we are ready, so please wait for a while. Please note that the refund will be sent to the address and name registered at the time of purchase. *If your address has changed, please write your new address on the note and change the registered details of your membership information. *We are not responsible for any non-delivery accidents if the item is sent using a method other than the specified method. In the unlikely event that you have not received your refund by early March 2022, please contact us at the following number. Inquiries: Sunday Folk Promotion 052-320-9100 (12:00-18:00) ▼Resale acceptance period Resales will be accepted at Lawson Ticket. 1/15 (Sat) and 1/16 (Sun) performances Resale lottery acceptance period: Acceptance period: 1/8 (Sat) 12:00 to 1/10 (Mon) 23:59 Acceptance here *The results of the resale lottery are scheduled to be announced at 12:00 on 1/14 (Fri). [Notes] ・Only reserved seats will be sold. ・The application limit for one performance is one. ・The resale lottery acceptance will be for the resale of refunded seats. There may be another group of people sitting next to the seat you have been selected, without any empty seats in between. ・A fee will be charged in addition to the ticket price. ・We will accept requests for refunds, so refunds and ticket resales are not available outside the above period. ◇Regarding seating arrangementsThis tour sells seats at the capacity set by the local government and venue. At this Aichi Sky Expo performance, the seats are arranged in such a way that you Kanousei be next to other groups of customers in front, behind, on both sides. Please be aware of this in advance. ◇Regarding your health when you visit the venue・Please refrain from attending if you are not feeling well. *If you become unwell or feel unwell during your visit, please inform a nearby staff member immediately. ◇Regarding merchandise sales・We plan to sell merchandise at the venue on the day of the performance in consideration of the impact of the new coronavirus infection, but there is Kanousei we will limit the items available and the number of items available for sale, so please use online shopping in advance to reduce congestion at the sales floor.◇Please refrain from watching out loud・During the performance, we ask that you watch from your seat, and cheering and whistling are prohibited. Please enjoy the performance by clapping and clapping your hands. *Please refrain from talking to other customers, even before and after the performance. *◇Regarding viewing・All seats are reserved and the number of seats, seat arrangement, and intervals will be determined by the venue's regulations. ・We will thoroughly disinfect and lend out earmuffs. ・Please refrain from using penlights, light items, fans, and other items that make noise. ◇Request for regulated exit・After the performance, there will be regulated exit. Please wait in your seat until the staff guides you to each area in order. We would like to sincerely thank all of you who come to the performance for your great cooperation in applying for tickets, on the day of the performance, and even when you leave. All of the members and staff are truly grateful that you are able to come to the performance even under these circumstances. Please enjoy the music of OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM to your heart's content on the day. ~ OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM and all staff ~' data-wovn-src:-original-content='2022/1/15(土)・1/16(日) 愛知県・Aichi Sky Expoにて開催されますOfficial髭男dism one - man tour 2021-2022 - Editorial - 公演実施にあたり、みなさまに安心してご来場頂ける環境づくりを出演者・STAFF一同徹底致します。ご来場されるお客様におかれましても、下記ガイドライン<一部抜粋>へのご理解・ご協力をお願い申し上げます。 ガイドライン全文は公演特設サイトをご確認ください。◇COCOA (新型コロナウィルス接触確認アプリ)のご案内・ご来場に先立ち必ずあらかじめインストール頂き、アプリの稼働をお願い致します。ご入場の際にインストールの確認をさせて頂きます。■App Store:■Google Play:◇常時マスクのご着用・入場時の検温・手指消毒にご協力頂きます※公演にお越しの際は必ず不織布マスクをご持参の上、ご着用ください※・会場内でもこまめな手洗い・手指消毒をお願い致します。◇ご整列時は間隔をおあけください。※入退場時、ご整列時、会場内ではお客様同士の会話をお控えください※・ご入場時、お手洗いご利用時を含めご整列の際は前後の方との距離を保ってお並びいただきます。◇電子チケット確認、並びに本人確認に関して・ご自身のスマートフォンに表示されるチケット提示で本人確認とさせて頂きます。・複数枚ご購入の場合は、あらかじめ同行の方への『チケット分配』を行なってください。※スマートフォンをお持ちで無い場合は本人確認書類をご持参頂き会場正面にございます、『特別対応窓口』にお越しください。※窓口対応時間:開場時間の30分前から終演まで※本人確認書類に関しては公演特設サイトをご確認ください。※紙チケットをお持ちのお客様へ※Aichi Sky Expo公演では一部、2020年の振替公演チケットを含め、紙チケットのお取り扱いがございます。紙チケットをお持ちのお客様は購入代表者・同行者ともに『特別対応窓口』にお越し頂き、ご本人確認と問診票のご記入にご協力頂きます。●2020年の公演をチケットぴあ・イープラス・サンデーチケットセンターにてご購入のお客様(振替公演の「ご来場希望日選択受付」にご回答いただき、Aichi Sky Expo公演にご当選されたお客様)2020年公演の紙チケット・本人確認書類を「特別対応窓口」にてご提示いただき、入場チケットと引き換えさせて頂きます。※お手持ちの紙チケットと本人確認書類をご提示いただけない場合は、ご入場をお断りさせていただく場合がございます。※お持ち頂いた2020年公演の紙チケットは回収させて頂きます。※アンケート結果のご案内メールを確認させていただく場合がございますので、ご準備いただきますようお願い申し上げます。▼電子チケットの受取りから入場まで▼ローソンチケット1/4(火)・1/5(水)・1/6(木)公演 チケット発券開始:12/20(月)10時〜操作方法詳細・アプリダウンロードはこちらから: アプリダウンロード 事前に「ローチケ電子チケットアプリ」をダウンロードしてください。STEP2 チケット受取 アプリに自動的にチケットが配信されますのでご確認ください。※予約時に入力されたスマートフォンの電話番号と端末の電話番号が異なる場合は、チケットは表示されません。STEP3 チケット分配 複数枚数購入の場合チケットを『分配(受け渡し)』し『同行者様の個人情報登録』を行ってください。同行者様も「ローチケ電子チケットアプリ」のダウンロードが必要です。※親子席でお子様がスマートフォンをお持ちで無い場合は、代表者様がこども席のチケットもご提示頂き、通常のレーンから同時入場頂けます。STEP4 公演日のご入場ご入場の際は「ローチケ電子チケットアプリ」の「入場」画面をご準備の上、入場ゲートにお越しください。入場方法:※もぎり画面のスクリーンショットではご入場いただけません。必ずアプリ内のチケットを表示させご入場ください。▼チケットぴあ1/15(土)・1/16(日) 公演 チケット発券開始:1/8(土)10時〜・チケット引取方法電子チケットは【MOALA Ticket for Cloak】を利用してのご入場となります。Cloakの画面提示ではご入場いただけません。Cloakサイトにて「電子チケットで引き取る」を選択・操作後、発行されたMOALA Ticket受取URLにアクセスすることで、電子チケットを受け取ることができます。MOALA Ticketは専用アプリのインストールは不要で、ご利用のスマートフォン端末のブラウザで電子チケット表示・入場が可能です。詳細はこちら※MOALA Ticketのご利用には通信契約をしているスマートフォンが必要です。個人情報の取り扱いについてMOALA Ticket for Cloakでの電子チケットをご利用の場合、電子チケットに関するサービス提供及び入場に関わる事務作業の円滑化のため、チケット所有者様の個人情報の一部(氏名、電話番号)をplayground株式会社に提供いたします。・同行者への分配方法本公演は1人1枚ずつチケット発券を行っていただきます。複数枚をご購入の場合、Cloakにて同行者の方への分配が必須となります。購入者の方がまとめて発券することはできません。同行者の方も、チケット分配受取の際にぴあ会員IDが必要です。公演日までにぴあ会員登録頂ければ、どなたにでも分配いただけます。詳細はこちら▼イープラス1/15(土)・1/16(日) 公演 チケット発券開始:1/8(土)15時〜チケットのダウンロード・分配方法・入場法はこちら◇チケットの払い戻しに関して・感染症の状況を考慮してチケットの直前希望払い戻し、ならびに払い戻し分の再販売を下記期間で受付いたします。▼払戻受付期間受付期間:1/8(土)12:00 ~ 1/10(月)23:59※イープラス・チケットぴあ販売分は10時から払い戻し開始となります。※複数枚購入のうち一部払い戻しをされた場合は、再販売で別のグループのお客様が座る可能性がございます。・希望払戻を受付いたしますので、上記期間以外での払戻・チケットリセールはご利用いただけません。■ローソンチケットでご購入のお客様払戻方法につきましては、下記URLよりご確認ください。■イープラスにてご購入のお客様払戻方法は、チケットの受取方法や支払方法により異なります。払戻方法詳細については下記の払戻方法チャートを確認してください。<払戻方法確認チャート>・e+お客さまサポート(お問合せ)■チケットぴあにてご購入のお客様<Cloak引取でチケット未発券のお客様>Cloak引取を選択され、まだ発券されていないお客様はCloakのマイページより払い戻し手続きを行ってください。<セブン-イレブンにて発券のお客様>※2020/4/4(土)・5(日) ポートメッセなごや公演のチケットをセブン-イレブンにて発券にてご購入のお客様本公演につきましては、システムの都合上、セブンイレブン店頭での払い戻し手続きができない状態となっております。下記、払い戻し方法詳細のアドレスより「配送引取でお引き取りされた方」の手順に沿ってお手続きをお願い致します。また該当のお客様へはチケットぴあよりメールにてご案内させていただきます。その他払い戻し方法詳細は下記のアドレスからご確認ください。【サンデーチケットセンターでご購入のお客様】希望者払戻期間:~ 1月10日(月) <必着>半券がもぎられていないチケットを「簡易書留郵便」にて下記までご返送ください。なおその際、「お客様のご住所、お名前、電話番号、同封のチケット席種・枚数」を必ず封筒もしくはメモに明記のうえ、チケットを同封して下さい。<返送先>〒461-8522 名古屋市東区東桜2-12-8 TIビルサンデーフォークプロモーション「Official髭男dism 払戻し」係準備ができ次第、「現金書留」にてご返金させていただきますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。またご返金先は、購入時に登録されたご住所、お名前宛となりますので、ご了承下さい。※ご住所に変更がある場合は、メモに新しい住所を明記いただき、会員情報の登録内容変更をお願い致します。※指定の方法以外で送られた場合の未着事故につきましては、弊社では責任を負いかねます。万が一、 2022年3月上旬ごろ になってもご返金が届かない場合は、お手数ですが下記までお問い合わせください。お問合せ:サンデーフォークプロモーション 052-320-9100(12:00~18:00)▼再販売受付期間再販売はローソンチケットでの受付となります。1/15(土)・1/16(日) 公演 再販売抽選受付期間:受付期間:1/8(土)12:00 ~ 1/10(月)23:59受付はこちらから※再販売抽選当落発表は1/14(金)12:00を予定しております。【注意事項】・指定席のみの販売となります。・1公演につき、申込制限枚数は1枚となります。・再販売抽選受付は、払戻座席の再販売となります。当選された座席の隣の席には空席を挟まずに別グループの方がいらっしゃる場合がございます。・チケット代とは別に手数料がかかります。・希望払戻を受付いたしますので、上記期間以外での払戻・チケットリセールはご利用いただけません。◇客席配券に関して本ツアーは自治体・会場の定める定員にて座席の販売を行なっております。この度のAichi Sky Expo公演では、前後左右で別のグループのお客様と隣同士になる可能性があるお座席配置となっております。あらかじめご了承ください。◇ご来場時のご体調に関して・体調がすぐれない場合はご来場をお控えください。※ご来場中に体調を崩されたり、気分が優れなくなった場合は、速やかにお近くのスタッフまでお申し出ください。◇グッズ販売に関して・公演当日の会場でのグッズ販売については新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響を踏まえ実施予定ではありますが、取り扱うアイテムや販売数に制限をかける可能性もございますので、売場の混雑緩和のためにもぜひ事前の通販をご利用ください。◇声を出しての鑑賞はご遠慮頂きます・公演中はご自身のお席での鑑賞をお願いするとともに、声援や指笛などを禁止させて頂きます。拍手や手拍子にてお楽しみください。※開演前後であってもお客様同士の会話はお控えください※◇観覧に関して・全席指定にて会場の規定により定められた座席数、座席配置・間隔でのご案内となります。・消毒を徹底し、イヤーマフの貸し出しを行います。・ペンライト、光り物、うちわ、その他音の出るアイテムなどのご利用はご遠慮いただきます。◇規制退場についてのお願い・終演後は、規制退場とさせて頂きます。スタッフが順次エリアごとにご案内するまでご自身のお席でお待ちください。公演開催に際しご来場いただく皆様には、チケット申込みや開催当日、お帰りに至るまで多大なるご協力をいただきますことを心よりお礼申し上げます。このような状況下に於いてもご来場いただけますことをメンバー・スタッフ一同心より感謝しております。当日はOfficial髭男dismの音楽を心ゆく迄お楽しみください。〜Official髭男dism・スタッフ一同〜'> OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM one-man tour 2021-2022 -Editorial- Requests for visitors [Aichi Sky Expo performance] | OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM Fan Club "Stand By You"



OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM one-man tour 2021-2022 -Editorial- Requests for visitors [Aichi Sky Expo performance]

OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM one-man tour 2021-2022 -Editorial- will be held at Aichi Sky Expo in Aichi Prefecture on (Sat), 2022 and (Sun) January 16th, 2022. All performers and staff will do their utmost to create an environment where everyone can attend the show with peace of mind.

We ask all visitors to please understand and cooperate with the following guidelines (excerpt).

Please check the special website for the performance for the full guidelines.

◇Information about COCOA (COVID-19 Contact Confirmation App)

・Please be sure to install and run the app before coming to the event.

We will check the installation upon entry.

◇Please wear a mask at all times, have your temperature checked upon entry, and disinfect your hands.
*Please be sure to bring and wear a non-woven mask when attending the performance*
・Please wash your hands and disinfect your hands frequently even inside the venue.

◇Please maintain an appropriate distance when lining up.
*Please refrain from conversations with other customers when entering or exiting the venue, when lining up, and within the venue.*
- When lining up, including when entering and using the restrooms, please maintain distance from those in front and behind you.

◇ Regarding electronic ticket confirmation and identity verification
・Your identity will be verified by showing the ticket displayed on your smartphone.
・If you purchase multiple tickets, please distribute them among the people in your party in advance.

*If you do not have a smartphone, please bring your identification documents and come to the "Special Assistance Desk" located at the front of the venue.
*Office hours: 30 minutes before the doors open until the end of the show*
Please check the special website for the performance regarding identification documents.

※To customers with paper tickets※
For some Aichi Sky Expo performances, paper tickets are available, including tickets for rescheduled performances in 2020. Customers who have paper tickets must come to the "Special Assistance Desk" with the purchase representative and accompanying person to help us verify their identity and fill out a medical questionnaire.

●Customers who purchased tickets for the 2020 performances through Ticket Pia, ePlus, or the Sunday Ticket Center
(Customers who have answered the "Select your preferred date" for the rescheduled performance and have been selected to attend the Aichi Sky Expo performance)
Please present your paper ticket for the 2020 performance and identification at the "special counter" to exchange it for an admission ticket.
*If you are unable to present your paper ticket and identification, you may be denied entry.
*Paper tickets for the 2020 performance will be collected.
*Please be prepared to receive an email containing the survey results.

▼From receiving your electronic ticket to entering the venue

▼Lawson Ticket
Tickets for the performances on 1/4 (Tue), 1/5 (Wed), and 1/6 (Thu) will be available from 10:00 on 12/20 (Mon)
For details on how to use the app and to download it, please click here:
STEP 1 Download the app Please download the "Lawson Ticket e-Ticket app" in advance.
STEP 2: Your ticket will be automatically delivered to the ticket collection app. Please check it.
*If the smartphone phone number entered when booking is different from the phone number of your device, the ticket will not be displayed.
STEP 3 Ticket distribution If you purchase multiple tickets, distribute (hand over) the tickets and register the personal information of your companions. Companions will also need to download the L-Ticket e-Ticket app.
*If a child in a parent-child seat does not have a smartphone, the representative must also present the child's seat ticket and they can enter together through the regular lane.
STEP 4 Admission on the performance day
When entering, please have the "Admission" screen of the "Lawson Ticket Electronic Ticket App" ready before proceeding to the entrance gate.
How to enter:
*You will not be able to enter with a screenshot of the ticket ticket screen. Please make sure to display the ticket within the app before entering.

▼Ticket Pia
Tickets for the performances on 1/15 (Sat) and 1/16 (Sun) will be available from 10:00 on 1/8 (Sat)

・How to collect tickets
Please use the electronic ticket "MOALA Ticket for Cloak" to enter. You will not be able to enter by showing the Cloak screen.
After selecting and operating "Pick up with e-ticket" on the Cloak site, you can collect your e-ticket by accessing the issued MOALA Ticket collection URL.
MOALA Ticket does not require the installation of a dedicated app, and electronic tickets can be displayed and entry is possible using the browser on your smartphone device.
*To use MOALA Ticket, you will need a smartphone with a communications contract.

Handling of Personal Information
When using electronic tickets through MOALA Ticket for Cloak, some of the ticket holder's personal information (name, phone number) will be provided to playground Co., Ltd. in order to provide services related to the electronic tickets and facilitate administrative procedures related to admission.

・How to distribute points to accompanying persons
For this performance, tickets will be issued one per person.
If you purchase multiple tickets, you will need to distribute them to your companions through Cloak. The purchaser cannot issue tickets collectively. Companions will also need a Pia membership ID to receive their tickets. If you register as a Pia member by the day of the performance, you can distribute the tickets to anyone.

Tickets for the performances on 1/15 (Sat) and 1/16 (Sun) will be available from 15:00 on 1/8 (Sat)
Click here for ticket download, distribution and entry methods

◇ Regarding ticket refunds
・In consideration of the current infectious disease situation, we will be accepting last-minute ticket refunds and resale of refunded tickets during the following period.

▼Refund acceptance period
Reception period: 1/8 (Sat) 12:00 ~ 1/10 (Mon) 23:59
*Refunds for tickets sold through ePlus and Ticket Pia will begin from 10am.
*If you receive a partial refund for a multiple-ticket purchase, Kanousei be resold and seated by a different group of customers.
・We will accept requested refunds, so refunds and ticket resales will not be available outside the above period.

■ Customers who purchased tickets through Lawson Ticket
Please check the following URL for information on refund procedures.

■ Customers who purchased tickets through ePlus
Refund methods vary depending on how you received your ticket and how you paid for it.
Please refer to the refund method chart below for details on the refund method.
<Refund method confirmation chart>
・e+ Customer Support (Inquiries)

■ Customers who purchased tickets through Ticket Pia
<Customers who have not yet received their tickets at Cloak>
If you have selected to collect your Cloak ticket but have not yet received your ticket, please complete the refund procedure on your Cloak My Page.
Please do.
<Customers who purchase tickets at Seven-Eleven>
*Customers who purchased tickets for the Port Messe Nagoya performances on (Sat) April 4th and (Sun), April 5th, 2020 at Seven-Eleven
Due to system issues, refunds for this performance cannot be processed at Seven-Eleven stores.
Please follow the instructions for "For those who picked up their item via delivery" at the address below for refund details.
In addition, affected customers will be notified by email from Ticket Pia.
For details on other refund methods, please see the address below.

[Customers who purchased tickets at the Sunday Ticket Center]
Refund period for those who wish to receive a refund: Until Monday, January 10th (Mon)
Please return your tickets with their stubs intact by registered mail to the address below.
When doing so, please be sure to clearly write your address, name, phone number, and the seat type and number of tickets enclosed on the envelope or memo before enclosing the tickets.
<Return address>
TI Building, 2-12-8 Higashisakura, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, 461-8522
Sunday Folk Promotion "OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM Refund" Department
As soon as the refund is ready, we will send it to you by "registered cash mail", so please wait for a while.
Please note that refunds will be made to the address and name registered at the time of purchase.
If your address has changed, please write your new address on the note and update your membership information accordingly.
*We cannot be held responsible for any non-delivery incidents if sent using methods other than those specified.
If you have not received your refund by early March 2022, please contact us using the details below.
お問合せ:サンデーフォークプロモーション 052-320-9100(12:00~18:00)

▼Resale acceptance period
Resale will be accepted through Lawson Ticket.
Resale lottery application period for the performances on 1/15 (Sat) and 1/16 (Sun): Application period: 1/8 (Sat) 12:00 ~ 1/10 (Mon) 23:59
*The results of the resale lottery will be announced at 12:00 on Friday (Fri) 14th.

・Only reserved seats will be sold.
・There is a limit of one ticket per performance.
・The resale lottery will be for the resale of refunded seats. There may be a seat next to your winning ticket with no empty seat between it and another group of people.
・A handling fee will be charged in addition to the ticket price.
・We will accept requested refunds, so refunds and ticket resales will not be available outside the above period.

◇ Regarding seating arrangements
Seats for this tour are sold at capacity determined by local governments and venues.
Please note that the seating arrangement for this Aichi Sky Expo performance may mean that you Kanousei be seated next to other groups of customers in front, behind, or on either side of you.

◇ Regarding your physical condition when you visit
・Please refrain from attending if you are not feeling well.
*If you become unwell or start feeling unwell during your visit, please inform a member of staff immediately.

◇ Regarding merchandise sales
・We plan to sell merchandise at the venue on the day of the performance in consideration of the impact of COVID-19, but there is Kanousei place restrictions on the items available and the number of items for sale. Therefore, in order to reduce congestion at the sales floor, we ask that you please use online shopping in advance.

◇Please refrain from shouting out loud while watching the show.
・Please stay in your seat during the performance, and cheering, whistling, etc. are prohibited. Please enjoy the performance by clapping your hands.
*Please refrain from conversations with other customers even before and after the performance.*

◇ Regarding viewing
All seats will be reserved and the number of seats, seating arrangement and spacing will be determined by the venue's regulations.
- Disinfection will be carried out thoroughly and earmuffs will be provided.
・Please refrain from using penlights, light items, fans, or other items that make noise.

◇ Request for regulated exit
・After the show, there will be regulated exits. Please wait in your seat until staff guide you to your area.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those attending the performance for their tremendous cooperation, from applying for tickets, to the day of the performance, and even when you leave.
All the members and staff are sincerely grateful that you are able to attend even under these circumstances. Please enjoy the music of OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM to your heart's content on the day.

~ OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM and all staff ~